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Hi everyone!

I've just noticed that my rviz is not showing the Tools bar, this is the bar on the top that has buttons for moving the camera, selecting, setting goals, etc.

I installed ros electric using the homebrew tutorial. My Mac OS X version is 10.7.3. Rviz compiled just fine, though I do get some warnings at the rviz startup.

Does anyone else have this problem? Any ideas on how to get the Tools bar?

Originally posted by Gonçalo Cabrita on ROS Answers with karma: 591 on 2012-04-04

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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Not really an answer, more of an alternative, I still cannot see the Toolbar with the buttons on my rviz on Mac OS X, however I did find out that the keyboard shortcuts work!!!

So if I want to set a goal I can just press g on the keyboard, if I want to set the robot pose I can press p, etc...

Originally posted by Gonçalo Cabrita with karma: 591 on 2012-04-05

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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