Dear all,
I am playing around with the rosjava tutorial. When running the Listener node together with the talker node it works fine and the Hello world is printed out. But if I run
rostopic pub /chatter std_msgs/String "Hello"
It will not work anymore. The listener throws the following exceptions:
01.02.2012 14:52:15 org.ros.internal.node.topic.UpdatePublisherRunnable run
SCHWERWIEGEND: java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection refused
01.02.2012 14:52:17 org.ros.internal.node.topic.UpdatePublisherRunnable run
SCHWERWIEGEND: org.ros.exception.RosRuntimeException: Connection exception: eich-ThinkPad/
01.02.2012 14:52:17 org.ros.internal.transport.ConnectionTrackingHandler exceptionCaught
SCHWERWIEGEND: Channel exception: No route to host
01.02.2012 14:52:17 org.ros.internal.transport.ConnectionTrackingHandler exceptionCaught
SCHWERWIEGEND: Channel exception: No route to host
Originally posted by Markus Eich on ROS Answers with karma: 202 on 2012-02-01
Post score: 0