Hi again,
I created a ModelPlugin to simulate a motor with spring in a R robot. When I compile the plugin, it works and a file .so is generated. The I add the plugin in my URDF file in this way :
<plugin name="motor_spring_plugin" filename="libmotor_spring_plugin.so">
When I run gazebo with roslaunch there is no error and the robot appears. However I'm not able to understand if my plugin is effectively loaded in my model. How can I test it?
Moreover in this plugin I created a ros_node subscriber in the Load() function:
public: void Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr /*_sdf*/)
if (!ros::isInitialized()) //check if ros is initialized properly
ROS_FATAL("ROS has not been initialized!");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::Subscriber sub=n.subscribe("chatter", 1000, &MotorSpring::Callback, this);
(the Callback function is defined as public function) Is it true?
When gazebo is running, if I start rostopic list from terminal, the topic chatter doesn't appear.
Why? It is caused by the whole plugin or I made some mistakes in the ros piece of code?
Thank you
Originally posted by gabri89 on Gazebo Answers with karma: 19 on 2016-03-01
Post score: 0