I am trying to implement a lever arm correction. I have an aircraft with a gps antenna which is displaced from an on-board sensor whose GPS position I would like to know.
I have the distance from the antenna to the sensor in body coordinates (NOSE-RIGHTWING-DOWN) which I am calling a lever arm:
$LA^{body} = [x_{body} , y_{body} , z_{body}]$
My methodology is:
First convert gps trajectory of the antenna to NED: $Antenna^{NED}$.
Second obtain a DCM rotation matrix $C_{body}^{NED}$ using Yaw, Pitch, Roll
Third transform $LA^{body}$ to $LA^{NED}$ by $LA^{NED} = C_{body}^{NED} LA^{body}$
Finally find NED position of sensor by adding $LA^{NED}$ to $Antenna^{NED}$ \
However, after doing this I am noticing that the NED position of the sensor will jump whenever the yaw goes below -180, since in that case it wraps to +180, and vice versa. How do I handle this problem?