This question is relevant to the joint use of ROS 2 humble and ROS noetic, but with the explicit intent of using custom messages/services/actions for communication between them, under Ubuntu 22.04.
From what I have understood so far, what is required for support of custom interfaces is that the bridge be able to source both ROS's catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
and ROS 2's ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash
, which is possible for the above configuraton (excluding actions) if humble is substituted for foxy and everything is docker-ised via the foxy-ros1-bridge docker image. (The image's underlying Ubuntu distribution is 20.04, in which noetic and foxy debian packages are instantly available.)
However, I have not been able to find anything pertaining to my original intent which concerns the humble distro. There are native solutions or docker images of humble + noetic + bridge [0][1][2][3] but these do not result in a setup where a /opt/ros/noetic
directory exists, which I understand is a prerequisite for sourcing the user's overlay. Since they do not conform to the "triple sourcing" needed (the bridge resides in its own workspace), and there is no guide that shows this explicitly, I do not know if these solutions are indeed able to produce a configuration where support for custom interfaces is possible.
Does the community have a solution for this that I have overlooked or misunderstood? I am also asking this because, otherwise, if one has no choice but to use some old ROS packages in a system of new ROS 2 packages, then all ROS 2 packages which require custom communication with them will forever have to be foxy packages.