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Subscriber in /odom topic from gazebo loses first message

Hello! I have a robot in a gazebo environment that publishes the odometry data on the topic /odom. I have a node that subscribes to that topic and uses the odometry data. I save the data from the ...
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Smach get value from subscriber topic

I'm pretty new to ROS, and I'm working with SMACH. I have an Arduino UNO with 4 LEDs (green ,yellow, red and blue) and one button. What I'm trying to achieve is a sort of traffic light simulator. My ...
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rospy message_converter outputs zero while in the terminal I got different output for the same topic

ROS Kinetic Ubuntu 16.04 Python 3.5 I am using diff_drive_controller to publish rwheel_angular_vel_motor and lwheel_angular_vel_motor topics. My goal is to take messages published by those topics and ...
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Infinite loop in callback function

Hi there! I want to subscribe to a topic (real_position) and save these data in a variable (julio) in order to process them later in my code. I've tried to use something similar to the tutorial for ...
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Error: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I am trying to run the following node using rosrun, to send data through my serial port and I get the error: ...
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rospy.exceptions.ROSInitException - time is not initialized

Hello, I was just testing my websocket, for which I was using the basic ros publisher subscriber tutorial. These worked until last week, and I haven't touched this package until today. error thrown ...
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rospy publisher behaving different from rostopic pub

Hi, I am trying to control my kinova mico manipulator arm through ROS python. I observed that when I use: ...
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Trouble installing nmea_navsat_driver package?

Hello, I'm currently trying to set up a GPS receiver and base station my boss purchased to work in ROS. It is a trimble Ag GPS 542 GNSS receiver ( ). It looks ...
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ROS installation and usage of nmea_navsat_driver for GPS receiver?

Hello, I'm currently trying to set up a GPS receiver and base station my boss purchased to work in ROS. It is a trimble Ag GPS 542 GNSS receiver (
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