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Image Subscriber Lags (despite queue_size=1 and buff_size=2**30)

Hi, I have been working on a Python class that will allow me to spawn an object in gazebo, take an image of the object, and then delete that object, for a given number of objects that I provide. I am ...
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gazebo and

Hi I'm running yappi to profile the performance of my node written in python. The node has: 3 timers for controller loops. (2 at 500Hz and 1 at 100Hz) 2 publisher (60Hz for /gazebo/set_model_state ...
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Reset model poses in a python script

Hi! I wrote a script with a for loop, where inside I navigate a robot and save the camera output/trajectories. At the end of the loop I would like to reset the poses of the model, but unfortunately ...
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How can I dynamically get the coordinate of a model from gazebo?

I'm using Gazebo/ROS with TurtleBot. My robot needs to find the distance from itself to all the obstacles that exist in the environment. I believe Laserscan has this information, but I am not sure how ...
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Moving Manipulator in Gazebo or Rviz

Hi, I'm relatively new to ROS, and I need to simulate a robotic arm to track velocities and avoid obstacles. I've written all the mathy algorithms down to find the inverse kinematics that make the ...
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rospy horrible performance with sim_time

It is widely known that python isn't the best language when it comes to performance. But I've detected that mixing rospy and a simulation environment leads to awful performance. Here's a quick example,...
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