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GPS antenna not in the center

Hi. To put it simply, I want robot_localization's / odometry / gps to start at (x, y, z) = (0, 0.3, 0) instead of (0, 0, 0). I'm trying to get the robot to estimate its position. It worked generally ...
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robot_localization navsat transform node does not publish

Hello, Goal: Write simplest robot_localization program using Android phone sensors (GPS and IMU). To be more exact first I need navsat_transform_node to output something. Problem: /odometry/filtered, /...
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navsat_transform_node without IMU

I'm trying to fuse GPS data and IMU data using robot_localization. I have the IMU data going into the filter nicely, now I'm trying to configure GPS. The problem is that my robot has a large inverter ...
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