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How to Fuse GPS as Odometry Source in robot_localization for Precise Localization Without Reliable IMU or Wheel Odometry?

I’m using ROS2 Iron and the robot_localization package for sensor fusion. My system has a highly accurate GPS as the primary source for position, but I’m facing issues due to: **1- Lack of reliable ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Robot_localization - GPS heading problem

I hope someone can help me I'm using robot_localization to improve my location estimation using the following ekf nodes ekf_node_odom: odometry + IMU ekf_node_map: odometry + IMU + GPS the first ...
Supermax182's user avatar
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Erratic Robot Movement in RViz2 with Nav2: Back and Forth Motion and Small Jumps

I'm encountering a peculiar issue with robot movement in RViz2 using Nav2, where the robot exhibits erratic back-and-forth movements accompanied by small jumps during the simulation. This behavior is ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar