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The Instruction for tags is:

"You must at least tag the rosdistro you are using, such as indigo, kinetic, lunar, melodic, or ardent."

The error text if you fail to comply is:

"At least one of the following tags is required : boxturtle, cturtle, diamondback, electric, fuerte, groovy, hydro, indigo, jade, kinetic, lunar, melodic, noetic, r2b3, ardent, bouncy, crystal, dashing, eloquent, ros1 or ros2"

shouldn't theses match? and why no love for Foxy? :)

Originally posted by dawonn_haval on ROS Answers with karma: 103 on 2020-08-07

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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This is something that only the ROS Answers admins can do.

This may change with the Askbot version, but there should be an list of "Mandatory tags" on this page:


Originally posted by chapulina with karma: 366 on 2020-08-07

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by dawonn_haval on 2020-08-07:
How does one go about notifying an admin about such a thing? Is there an issue tracker somewhere?

Comment by chapulina on 2020-08-07:
Here it is: https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/answers.ros.org


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