How to publish a message from a rosbag topic?
Originally posted by crazyRan on ROS Answers with karma: 5 on 2020-01-21
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by BV_Pradeep on 2020-01-21:
The question is unclear as
rosbag play <filename>
will playback your recorded file. if you then look at the nodes using
rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
will show a single rosbag node publishing all topics it recorded. Please elaborate your question.
Comment by snowman on 2020-01-21:
It's not clear from your question what you've tried. I guass rosbag should be used for provide data. Just think it like a recorder, it remembers what happened. You could get something from it, but you couldn't send something to it. So generally, I just use rosbag as publisher.
Comment by crazyRan on 2020-01-21:
Hi, thank you for your reply. What I want to do is that I would like to visualize a lidar data. I have two rosbag data. First, I will get the lidar data from 1st rosbag and visualize it on the 2nd rosbag. The two rosbag is running in different pc.