I have a service node server that handles a simple request by a client. The client sends an id (as a string), which the server then should read out. I am using rospy.
If I print the message in the server, it says "request: 1". I want to only extract the "1". How do I do that?
Rephrasing a bit: what "member" of the message do I have to call to get the raw data? Something like message.data
Here's the handler:
def handle_cac(request):
# receive goal id, return goal information
print("Received this message: ")
print request.data # this does not work! I'd like to just get the raw id, e.g. "1"
for goals in root.getchildren():
for goal in goals.getchildren():
print goal.tag
print goal.attrib
if goal.attrib.text == request.data:
print "Found goal: " + goal.name
# print((root.findall("goals"))[0][0].attribute)
return "nothing"
And here's the client:
def cac_client(request_message):
print "Running request"
GetGoal = rospy.ServiceProxy('CAC', cac)
resp1 = GetGoal(request_message)
print resp1
return resp1
except rospy.ServiceException, e:
print "Service call failed: %s" %e
if __name__ == "__main__":
Originally posted by mneumann on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2018-09-18
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by mgruhler on 2018-09-18:
what type of service are you using? What are you writing in your client? Could it be that you are actually writing request: 1
in it?
Comment by mneumann on 2018-09-18:
I added the client's code to the question.
Comment by mgruhler on 2018-09-18:
What service type is that? I see cac
, but I don't know what this is supposed to be. You can actually have a look at the cac
definition yourself. This is the data member...
E.g. the AddTwoInts.srv
of the beginner_tutorials
has the members a
and b
Comment by mneumann on 2018-09-18:
Sorry, I was not sure what you meant. This is what it looks like: string request \--- string response
. Ignore the \
, didn't know how to escape the -
in this comment. Also, the type seems to be "cacRequest", which is normal for services, right?
Comment by mgruhler on 2018-09-18:
yes, basically from the srv definition you posted, two "messages" are created, which are called cacRequest and cacResponse, in this case...
Comment by mneumann on 2018-09-18:
How do I access the raw string I sent via these messages?
Comment by mgruhler on 2018-09-18:
some patience, man ;-D