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I am trying to read indoor positioning equipment date to ROS.The indoor positioning equipment called Ubisense which can publish location date(like three-dimensional coordinate x, y, z) to local area network.So I want knew about how ROS read the indoor positioning equipment date.

Originally posted by chenlee on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2016-08-15

Post score: -1

Original comments

Comment by NEngelhard on 2016-08-15:
You realize that you ask how to read data from your device without telling which device you have?

Comment by chenlee on 2016-08-15:
My device is a indoor positioning equipment called Ubisense which can publish location date(like three-dimensional coordinate x, y, z),but I don't know how ROS read it.

Comment by NEngelhard on 2016-08-15:
Could you please update your question? It's completely useless in it's current version.

Comment by chenlee on 2016-08-15:
Thanks.I thought there need a API so I can use directly.


1 Answer 1


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Location date? You mean Location data, right?

In the ROS Navigation Stack, the basic tf is map->odom->base_link, the encoders in your robot can get odometry infomation, from which you can get the pose of base_link relative to odom.

And with Ubisense, you can get the position of base_link relative to map. With this position, you can adapt map->odom to make your robot's position right.

I guess Ubisense uploads the robot position to your computer(which runs ROS) through USB or Serial Port. After reading that info, you need to write a Publisher program to publish your position to ROS(say topic /Ubisense/Pose). This position info should in the geometry_msgs/Pose format.(or other similar format).

And then, you need a tf program which subscribes the topic /Ubisense/Pose, and broadcast the tf map->odom.

Good Luck.

Originally posted by Shay with karma: 763 on 2016-08-18

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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