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I discovered the MoveIt and navigation packages that are really awesome, and I would like to know if there's a listing somewhere with the other packages that are as huge.

I know there's a wiki page with ALL the packages/metapackages/stacks, but the list is really huge and there are a lot of small packages, so if anybody has a list containing the ones that should not be missed, it would be really helpful for beginners like me :)

Originally posted by LiohAu on ROS Answers with karma: 7 on 2015-04-17

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I don't have a list but some packages are:

  1. OpenCv - for vision
  2. gmapping and openslam_gmapping - evident from the names
  3. PCL with ROS

Originally posted by p_mukherjee with karma: 16 on 2015-08-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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