Hi every one!!
I am trying to create a app for android who could run ros nodes. But i have a problem when i create it.
My enviroment is ros indigo, ubuntu 14.04, android-studio, rosjava and android_core packages.
First i create a package on my catkin_ws (catkin_create_rosjava_pkg) and after i create a project on rosjava package (catkin_create_rosjava_project).
With that it doesn't create a android app structure or schema. it didn't recognise "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" on the manifest or when i create a layout.
Do you know why it could be?
in case that i create a project from android-studio it is impossible for me import rosjava library!!!
Thank million for your help!!
Originally posted by zior89 on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2015-03-24
Post score: 0