I was just looking into the use of the <export>
tag and noticed a couple of problems on the wiki page for manifest.xml:
There is an error message:
Unsupported navigation scheme 'Menus/ROSFilesystemConcepts'!
at the top of the page
- Clicking on the "manifest.xml tags reference" link takes you to a page titled "ROS packages Fuerte documentation" which doesn't seem correct given that Fuerte isn't out yet.
I feel a vague sense of guiltiness reporting a bug on answers.ros.org--probably it should go on trac but I'm feeling lazy. If in fact it would be better to report it there, it would be nice if every wiki page had a link somewhere that got you to the right part of trac to report wiki problems...
Originally posted by Patrick Bouffard on ROS Answers with karma: 2264 on 2012-02-02
Post score: 0