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I am wrapping a third party library in ROS. The library has a few executables as well. I use a custom Makefile to build the library and the executables. However, when I do "rosrun customlib executable", I get "shared library not found" error. Should I modify the Makefile and use rpath into the executables or is there any default mechanism to take care of such cases? Thanks.

Originally posted by Aditya on ROS Answers with karma: 287 on 2011-11-29

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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It seems the only solution is to ensure rpath is guaranteed by the third party build system. In my case, I was wrapping my own library which uses CMake. I added CMake rpath commands to the library build scripts.

Originally posted by Aditya with karma: 287 on 2011-12-01

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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