After i run command "X4_SENSOR_CONFIG_4=1 roslaunch subt_example team.launch", the range of the laserscan in only coming less than than 1 as also shown by below screenshot: This was happening for the X2 robot also when i used command: "X2_SENSOR_CONFIG_3=1 roslaunch subt_example team.launch": But after i replaced the sensor part of the planar_lidar.urdf.xacro file with below code the range is coming fine for X2 robot:
<sensor type="ray" name="${name}">
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_planar_lidar" filename="">
But still the range of X4 laser scan is under 1. I am running system with 8 gb ram, 300 gb free HD, ubuntu 18.04, and ros melodic with gazebo 9 as described in catkin install tutorial of this subt repository. But im not using any dedicated nvidia gpu, i'm using i5 3rd gen intel cpu.
Originally posted by hari1234 on Gazebo Answers with karma: 56 on 2018-11-20
Post score: 0