I wanted to know the actual mathematics behind the path planners MoveIt! uses for manipulators from OMPL. I tried to look into source codes but couldn't get enough details.
I wish to know:
- How cost function is implemented, i.e., how path cost is calculated in configuration space. It can't be Euclidean distance I guess?! So what is it.
- How Sampling is done. A sampler is called in the src files but i couldn't get the details. Is it done in configuration space or workspace or both can be done?
- What is the exact pipeline? Like after sampling(depending on state space), is inverse kinematics implemented to get into configuration space or foward-kinematics is implemented to get into work space and such details. Which is the better option?
Actually I wish to implement my own algorithm (like some variation of RRT) without MoveIt!/OMPL hence it is important for me to know all the details.
I am really confused about this. Any explanations or links where I can find the details and understand them would be really helpful.