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Questions tagged [path-planning]

path planning is the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not

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MoveIt2 in RViz: No Planning Library loaded

I am trying to run a hybrid planning container, when i launch it with rviz and gazebo,and add the Motion Planning in Rviz, I can see my robot, but I cannot do any planning and execution. When i go to ...
Omar El Sherbeny's user avatar
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Path planning in Moveit2 using 2 planners

in my launch file, I am launching a hybrid planning container that is similar in the one in the hybrid planning tutorial, here is how i am launching it: ...
Omar El Sherbeny's user avatar
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Nav2 removing goals from closed areas

I am working with Navigation2 on ROS2 Humble. I am working on a module for following the path inside rooms/halls. I have a path computed with NavFn planner and Compute Path Though Poses BT node which ...
SKJQ's user avatar
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path_constraints vs trajectory_constraints in motion_plan_request 2024

I am wondering the same question asked here in the old ROS answers forums: What is the difference between path_constraints and ...
user42630's user avatar
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Pass data to custom planner plugin NAV2

(ROS2 HUMBLE) Hi, I created a nav2 custom planner plugin that generates a path between detected objects (specific objects). How can I pass arguments or get data (vector of detected objects poses) to ...
Zortrax's user avatar
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Subscribers inside planner plugin nav2

(ROS2 HUMBLE) Just a simple question, is it fine to create subscribers or services inside a custom path planner in nav2? the reason I want to do this is because I want to use a set of points to create ...
Zortrax's user avatar
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Obstacle avoidance in opennav_coverage Nav2

I am working on coverage path planner using opennav_coverage for ROS2 Humble from Navigation2. Currently, when an obstacle ...
SKJQ's user avatar
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Mobile Robotics Localization and ROS

I am looking for some good resources to learn ROS as quickly as possible. I am restarting my PhD very shortly after a long break. Also, are there any good resources for the local and global paths, and ...
Graham Hilton's user avatar
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How to Restrict the SMAC Planner to Virtual Lanes Using Navigation2 in Dynamic Agricultural Environments?

Problem Description: I am working on an autonomous navigation project for an agricultural truck that needs to move smoothly and predictably on dynamically defined virtual lanes. The navigation is ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Nav2 robot does not move (Path Planning, Ackermann Steering)

I am migrating from the turtlebot3 to my own vehicle with nav2. The robot does not move after a Nav2 goal is given, and i suspect the trajectory is not feasible. I have the x-Axis pointing in driving ...
Chris Schindlbeck's user avatar
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RRT for Torus Topology

I'm working on path planning for the robotic manipulator. As I understand from the literature, this system's c-space is represented by n-dimensional torus. Is there any RRT implementation or ...
rpy's user avatar
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How Can We Improve Human-Robot Collaboration in Dynamic Environments Using Real-Time Adaptation?

How Can We Improve Human-Robot Collaboration in Dynamic Environments Using Real-Time Adaptation? I've been working on a robotics project where we aim to have robots collaborate closely with humans in ...
Thomas Silver's user avatar
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Move base and planner recommendations

Ive tried few planners(TEB,DWA,Navfn) for my robot and all of them have way too much configuration related to obstacles and dynamic obstacles. For now I just want something simple which creates a plan ...
RSS's user avatar
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Configuring simple motion plan using moveit task constructor

I am trying to plan a simple path for my Fanuc CRX5ia robot using moveit task constructor pick and place tutorial as reference. My software: Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 Humble I am getting error after error ...
Liv's user avatar
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Add constraints to cubic or quintic polynomial for robot arm trajectory generation

I am planing path for a robotic arm. I am using cubic/quintic polynomials for trajectory generation. How can I add constraints to cubic or quintic polynomial such that the generated trajectory is ...
Pratham's user avatar
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What is Clamping in RRT path planing algorithm for robotic arm

I am trying to understand the working of RRT for robotic arm. What is the purpose of clamping in RRT? Here is the config file i am trying to understand. ThankYou
Pratham's user avatar
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Local planner and local costmap usage info

I am having some trouble understanding Global/local costmap and planner and would need some info pls. I am using a Regulated Pure Pursuit controller and the Path is created via the planner server ...
Tom Lemmel's user avatar
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Error in trayectory generation Staubli VAL 3

I have the following code in VAL 3: ...
Unai Granados Ormaetxea's user avatar
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How to trigger nav2 controller to follow the path that given from the custom planner

based on my previous post MPPI+SmacPlannerHybrid navigation with a large base_footprint problem I've tried so hard tuning parameter for SmacHybridPlanner and I think it's not able to plan the path ...
FunkFang's user avatar
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2 answers

ROS How do I make the local planner as straight as possible

I am currently using ROS Melodic and the move_base package for navigation. I am utilizing the A* global planner and DWA local planner and would like the vehicle to follow a path passing through ...
Minji Song's user avatar
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How to prevent Elliptical Path Reorientation of SMAC Planner in Nav2 Ackermann Robot

Hi I am using ROS2 Iron and NavigateTroughPoses behavior to navigate over GPS waypoints. The global path planner configured is the SMAC Planner set for a Dubin motion model. I am encountering unwanted ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Pathfinding with hector_slam

I am currently using hector_slam on my surface vehicle and I need to navigate it through an unknown set of obstacles. I need to implement a dynamic pathfinding algorithm that will take the vehicle ...
sivhaslee's user avatar
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Manipulating the costmap to follow the path between obstacles

I am working on a project where a USV needs to follow the path between buoys. I set up the LiDAR and IMU which I will use to get localization and map data. The problem is, pathfinding algorithm will ...
sivhaslee's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Nav2 Low Level Controllers without a map?

I am currently building a car-like robot and wrote a simple pure-pursuit controller. I found that Nav2 has a really nice implementation of it. Since my robot does not compute an occupancy grid, but ...
multiplex's user avatar
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I am building a path planning and obstacle avoidance bot using ros, lidar, etc . Can someone please provide a python program to implement?

I am building a robot to perform path planning using djikstra algorithm and obstacle avoidance using gaussian potential field. The robot uses raspberry Pi 4 with ubuntu 20.04 os containing gazebo, ros ...
Mark28's user avatar
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Why is the C- Space topology for a 2R robot a torus?

Currently doing a course on robotics - skip to 1:12 in the video below where Kevin Lynch describes the C-Space topology of a 2R robot to be a torus. Why did he rotate the circle for joint 1 to be ...
Stockfish's user avatar
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Rigorous terminology clarification - Path Planning, Path Following, Trajectory Planning, Trajectory Following and Motion Planning

I am asking this after having gone through quite a bit of literature and hope that it's not a repeat question. I would like to know proper mathematical notion that clearly defines a Path and a ...
Manish's user avatar
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ROS/ROS2 mapping and path following with skid-steering robot and Velodyne 3D laser

I built a skid-steering robot and I would like to implement a path-following application. I would like to use the Velodyne to create the map and then specify a path on it to be followed by the robot. ...
Marcus Barnet's user avatar
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Lateral control for autonomous vehicles

I am working on autonomous vehicle control, i used the kinematic bicycle model, For the speed reference I used a speed profile not a constant speed(given below [![speed][1]][1] for the steering angle ...
Asmaa GZ's user avatar
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Creating a new planner in OMPL using Python

I am using OMPL in order to create a new planner using OMPL. The documentation gives only a short description of how to do so: ...
Sadiq's user avatar
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Ros2 robot won't move sideways with dwb or mppi controllers

I am unable to get the mppi or dwb controllers to move in the Y direction. If I set a goal that is close to the current position parallel to the current robot heading, the robot will shimmy back and ...
robo-ryan's user avatar
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RViz2 Show Trail not working

I'm going through the MoveIt Quickstart in RViz guide and am trying to replicate Step 4: Use Motion Planning with the Kinova Gen 3. When following the instructions of un-checking the Show Trail box, ...
MAP3's user avatar
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Customize SLERP used in MoveIt motion planning

I am currently working on a project utilizing ROS Noetic and MoveIt for robotic arm path planning. I have a robot arm that has to pick up items from between shelves on its left and right side. However,...
Steven Oh's user avatar
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Motion of omnidirectional robot in 2D with constant heading, which nav stack planner to use?

I am trying to make simple navigation example in ROS noetic of an omnidirectional robot (e.g. clearparth's ridgeback). My goal is to always maintain the orientation of the robot wrt the /map frame ...
smarn_WINGS's user avatar
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Articulated Kinematics

I'm currently engaged in developing the lattice generator for the state lattice planner in Nav2. The motivation is to integrate articulated vehicles, which are characterized by 4 state variables, as ...
Ravi Kumar's user avatar
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switching between local planner in ROS2

I am wondering will if be possible in ROS2 to have 2 different local planners and be able to switch between them. For example, I want to use both pure-pursuit planner and DWA planner. Let's say that I ...
sdu568's user avatar
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Best Robot for Simulation

Can you guys suggest me a Robot with 6 or 7 degree of Freedom which works well with Ros Humble for my Thesis. It will be only on a simulated environment.
Kedar's user avatar
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How to do custom path planning for autonomous navigation in ROS?

My autonomous navigation can work on my current map, but now I want to do a simple custom path planning, together with some actions, such as: taking a snapshot using the camera stopping turning the ...
arquitecto's user avatar
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Preempt global planner or give higher priority to FollowPath server

I have created a c++ executable whose purpose is to generate Poses based on the coordinates provided by the user. More specifically, the user provides a number of points in cartesian coordinates (e.g.,...
Pantelis Manouselis's user avatar
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How can I create a path for the robot to go along the wall during autonomous navigation?

I am developing a robot using ROS (Robot Operating System). The goal is to enable the robot to navigate a closed environment, approaching all walls to scan the surroundings. I have a map of the ...
Hüseyin Kılıç's user avatar
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Smoother both in global planner and independent

I was wondering what is the reasoning behind having both a smoother server (e.g., a constrained smoother) and defining a smoother in the planner server. Shouldn't ...
Pantelis Manouselis's user avatar
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Optimizing Swerve Drive Robot Performance for Real-world Implementation with MPPI Controller

We are currently developing a swerve drive robot utilizing the MPPI controller, but we're encountering challenges in transitioning from simulation to real-world operation. To provide context on the ...
Oreste's user avatar
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How to make the Navigation Stack global Path not update?

I am currently using the navigation stack to move around the robots in the map I created, in gazebo. I would like to apply my own algorithm for the update of the path. But in order this to happen, the ...
Michalis's user avatar
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Post-Processing and Execution of Paths from Sampling-Based Planning: Refinement, Shortcutting, and Real-World Dynamics

I've been diving into sampling-based approaches for path planning, such as RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Trees) and PRM (Probabilistic Roadmaps), along with their extensions. While I understand the ...
TechEnthusiast's user avatar
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Customize Smac State Lattice Planner

This question is related to the issue Dynamical footprint in Nav2. I am currently trying to get a wheel-loader to drive autonomously indoor. Unfortunately , it differs from the supported kinematic ...
Ravi Kumar's user avatar
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Navigate through waypoints without stopping and shortcutting

I have experimented with NavThroughPoses, but I'm encountering challenges in narrow corridor navigation scenarios, eg. poses: [p1, p2, p3, p2, p1]. My goal is to ensure the robot visits all these ...
Łukasz's user avatar
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custom motion model for smac & mppi

I'm employing the Smac Hybrid-A* Planner along with the Model Predictive Path Integral Controller for point-to-point navigation of a forklift, both indoors and outdoors. Notably, this forklift ...
Ravi's user avatar
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GPS+Navigation2 : Issues navigating with an empty map after success with a pre-built map: "Received plan with zero length"

I've been working on a project using the Navigation2 stack to navigate a robot through GPS waypoints. When using a pre-built map, the robot successfully navigates to all waypoints. However, I ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Can TEB or Other Local Planners Work Without move_base?

I am working on path planning and path tracking for a while and I wonder, can TEB local planner (or any other local planner on ROS, DWA lets say) function without move_base? I mean do I have to use ...
Alperen Keser's user avatar
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How to add padding to a robot using ROS2/MoveIt2?

I am trying to find a way to add padding to the robot to avoid unwanted collisions caused by low control precision. Optimally I could either set a uniform padding of e.g. 5 cm or - even better - ...
manadaniel's user avatar