Hi everyone, I'm having a project to build a user interface with ROS in C++. I found that rosbridge is a useful tool but the rosbridge client only support java script, java and python. Is there any way we can embbed the api of one of those (roslibjs, jrosbridge, roslibpy) into C++? Thank you for reading my questions.
Originally posted by zuy on ROS Answers with karma: 66 on 2021-08-25
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by Mike Scheutzow on 2021-08-26:
At a high level, please explain what you want to accomplish. Why do you not create a "real" ros node, in c++ if that's your preferred language?
Comment by zuy on 2021-08-26:
Because I want to build a user interface which can monitor and control the robot remotely. But I want to have a native application instead of web-based. Is it possible to do this?
Comment by Mike Scheutzow on 2021-08-27:
Yes, it's very possible. However, you have not explained enough of your idea for me to comment on whether using rosbridge makes sense. Will you configure a ros network between the laptop (for UI) and the robot, or will the robot run a custom server that your UI app makes a network connection to? On which machine did you want to run rosbridge?
Comment by zuy on 2021-08-27:
Simply I just want to create an application which can communicate to ROS (on my robot) and this application should be run on a non-ROS machine. I found that rosbridge is almost the only way to do this without a great effort. So I'm looking for a solution to use rosbridge in a native application. C++ is a prefered language, however we can be flexible. Could you give me some advice? Thank you for paying attention in my topic.