I am using Autoware 1.14 in ROS Melodic, installed from source and built with CUDA.
I want to use the lidar localizer algorithms with my ROS system that contains another autonomous car package.
Specifically, my system's TF tree is as follows: map -> odom -> base_footprint -> base_link ->the rest of the TF frames
When I am using the NDT Matching algorithm, it provides a transform map -> base_link
and it changes completely my TF tree and several other functionalities.
So, I thought to change the NDT algorithms's (matching and mapping) source code, so that they provide a transform from map
to odom
instead of base_link
Does this sound correct? Or is there any other way to make this work?
Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by kosmastsk on ROS Answers with karma: 210 on 2020-08-17
Post score: 0