Hi guys,
is this expected behavior, that when I publish a parameter with a wrong datatype, the result is always true?
ros2 param set /test/my_double_value 1
Returns success although value is written als int into the parameter.
And inside the test node where the parameter is declared, there is also no exception:
declare_parameter( frequencyParamName, rclcpp::ParameterValue( 20.0 ));
for ( auto& changed_parameter : event->changed_parameters )
auto paramName = changed_parameter.name;
if ( paramName == frequencyParamName )
updateFrequencyParam( changed_parameter.value.double_value );
Do we really need to check for correct type by ourselves or are we handling parameters wrong?
Originally posted by madmax on ROS Answers with karma: 496 on 2019-08-13
Post score: 0