I would like to create a mesh out of a pointcloud which I keep in a list, let's say. Is this really possible? If so, does anyone know a way to do it?
Originally posted by Jägermeister on ROS Answers with karma: 81 on 2019-05-10
Post score: 1
I would like to create a mesh out of a pointcloud which I keep in a list, let's say. Is this really possible? If so, does anyone know a way to do it?
Originally posted by Jägermeister on ROS Answers with karma: 81 on 2019-05-10
Post score: 1
This can be done with functionality available in PCL, here's a example of using it that: cloud_to_mesh_node, cloud_to_mesh_ros.h. This node converts a point cloud it receives on the ~/cloud
topic to a mesh and publishes that as a Marker or Shape message.
Using PCL functionality like this might not be the most efficient method though. For real-time use you might want to look into using other tools like voxblox. This builds a TSDF or ESDF representation from sensor data and can efficiently mesh it in real-time.
Originally posted by Stefan Kohlbrecher with karma: 24361 on 2019-05-10
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 3
Comment by Jägermeister on 2019-05-28:
Thanks! Voxblox looks impressive, I'll take a look into it!
Comment by askkvn on 2020-04-27:
@Jägermeister, have you tried Voxblox to create mesh file? I am also working on same problem. please share your solution if you have made it?