i have an existing application which i must upgrading from Android 6.0 to Android 8.1. I hasnt Problem to increase the targetSdkVersion to 26 (Android 8.0). But when i upgrade the targetSdkVesion to 27 (Android 8.1) then the crashes. I search for the problems and i found out that the problem is about the new notificationsystem. The roslibrary which is using some notification has the old system.
For the new Notificationsystem on Android 8.1 i need to add this library
dependencies { implementation "com.android.support:support-compat:27.1.1" }
But I need to upgrade the Android plugin and the gradle version. But i use an older gradle version for the roslibrary in Android Studio.
What I have to do to integrate the new Notificationsystem in Android 8.1 with the ros-library?
I know the question i generally but I hope I can get any tips.
Originally posted by MarkusHHN on ROS Answers with karma: 54 on 2018-04-18
Post score: 0