Is there any possible way to specify the order that the nodes initiated by a launch file are killed when the launch file as a whole is killed? I have a launch file that starts several nodes for the control of our robot. One of these is a node that takes care of the low level control of the robot. It is important that this node is the last one to be killed when shutting down the robot. From what I can tell, when a launch file is killed, the nodes are killed in a random order. Is there a way to make sure that this node is killed last? I know I can fix this by just having two separate launch files: one that launches this low level node and one that launches the rest and then make sure they are killed in the right order. I just was hoping there may be a way where I could do this all in one file to make it simpler to use. Thanks!
Originally posted by vsherrod on ROS Answers with karma: 36 on 2017-01-13
Post score: 1