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I'm attempting to use roslaunch to start nodes on 2 different machines. Apparently roslaunch will create it's own ssh connection - I have my network configured so that I use public / private keys for authentication, but I've set the ssh to be done over a different port. How would I configure my roslaunch file to do the same? (i.e. port 42 instead of 22)

Current file:

  <machine name="bbb" address="bbb -p 4242" user="sparky"/>
  <machine name="spearmint" address="localhost" default="true" />

Obviously that's the wrong syntax, but that's what I'm trying to achieve.

For reference, I can run ssh sparky@bbb -p 4242 and connect just fine.

Originally posted by Vasu Agrawal on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2015-08-06

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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there is an example from ros-comm on how to do this, basically it is an undocumented parameter ssh-port you need to set on like:

    <machine name="machine-1" default="true" address="foo.bar.com" ros-root="/home/user/ros/ros/" user="whoami" ssh-port="4242" />

see here: https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/blob/89ca9a7bf288b09d033a1ab6966ef8cfe39e1002/tools/roslaunch/resources/example-ssh.launch#L10

Originally posted by fbelmonteklein with karma: 140 on 2019-01-10

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2019-01-10:
@fbelmonteklein: I've marked your answer as the answer and removed mine.


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