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Update: rephrase of question: Why will a static transform not work on a data stream where the relation is fixed. Like base-link to optical-camera frame bringing ZYX into XYZ alignment.

Attempting to avoid programming translations. Would like to translate the optical frame to my base-link. When I do this as a static transform I get a funny results. See video.

 <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="link6_broadcaster" 
                 args="0 0 0 0 0 -1.57  base_link camera_frame 10" />

Video of the result

Originally posted by rnunziata on ROS Answers with karma: 713 on 2013-11-19

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by rnunziata on 2013-11-21:
inverting the child and parent cause a loop error. There should not be a second broadcaster. I am using the kinetics plugin in gazebo. Though I had not done a ros graph so I will do that now. ....AH...you are correct I was transforming twice in another static transformer.


1 Answer 1


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As Thomas points out in comment. I was transforming twice in another static transformer.

Originally posted by rnunziata with karma: 713 on 2013-11-21

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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