I'm a bit confused since I'm new to ROS. I'm using the openni_tracker and ar_kinect packages together. Rviz complains that it can't transform from any of the skeleton topics (e.g. /head1) to /camera_depth_optical_frame (which is the fixed frame).
So I'm wondering how do I transform from /openni_depth_frame to /camera_link? /openni_depth_frame is the root of the tf tree for the skeleton produced by openni_tracker and /camera_link is the root of the tf tree for ar_kinect.
This is the output from "rosrun tf view_frames" so you can see the tf's that are running.
Any help would be much appreciated :)
Originally posted by James Diprose on ROS Answers with karma: 123 on 2013-01-24
Post score: 0