Hi ppl,
I have been trying to use 2dnav with pr2 robot. The tutorial I followed is this. After I reached instruction 3.1 and started Rviz,I tried to set a goal in rViz for the robot to follow, however, the robot didn't move as expected.
In Rviz, the status of all the displays are "ok". This includes the local plan, global plan and planner plan, however when I set 2D NAV GOAL, the paths are not displayed at all. So does anyone have any idea what could be the issues?
Or does anyone knows which robot works well with 2dnav? So far I tried turtlebot and pr2, both gave me some errors. I am using ubuntu 12.01 with fuerte. Thanks for your help.
1st update
After doing rostopic info move_base_simple/goal, this is what i get,
Type: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
* /rviz_ubuntu_29082_5799833781995074337 (http://ubuntu:37754/)
* /move_base_node (http://ubuntu:46201/)
Originally posted by ChengXiang on ROS Answers with karma: 201 on 2012-10-27
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Lorenz on 2012-10-27:
2dnav is expected to work for both, the turtlebot and the pr2. Did you change the 2d pose topic to the correct value in rviz before sending the goal?
Comment by ChengXiang on 2012-10-27:
Hi Lorenz.By 2d pose , do you mean 2d pose estimate? That is set to " initialpose" .
Comment by Lorenz on 2012-10-30:
No. I mean the goal. It should default to goal
and you'll have to change it to the correct value. Have a look here.
Comment by ChengXiang on 2012-10-31:
I have already set the 2dnav goal to move_base_simple/goal. But it did not work. One other thing is when I tried to set its initialpose using 2d pose estimate, the many tiny red arrows did not appears. Could that be the issue?
Comment by Lorenz on 2012-10-31:
Try rostopic info move_base_simple/goal
. Please edit your question and show us the output of that command.
Comment by ChengXiang on 2012-10-31:
In addition, when I tried navigation stack demo in this , the 2dnav works, although it give the same error described here
Comment by ChengXiang on 2012-10-31:
Updated. Please take a look at the question.
Comment by Lorenz on 2012-10-31:
Ok. Rostopic info looks good. Does rxconsole maybe show any warning/error messages when you send the nav goal?
Comment by ChengXiang on 2012-10-31:
No. All the messages are info. On a side note, my computer slows down after I launched the pr2.