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Is the method not implemented or am I missing something in the linking?


ros fuerte on ubuntu 12.04

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.6)

# Set the build type.  Options are:
#  Coverage       : w/ debug symbols, w/o optimization, w/ code-coverage
#  Debug          : w/ debug symbols, w/o optimization
#  Release        : w/o debug symbols, w/ optimization
#  RelWithDebInfo : w/ debug symbols, w/ optimization
#  MinSizeRel     : w/o debug symbols, w/ optimization, stripped binaries
#set(ROS_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo)


#set the default path for built executables to the "bin" directory
#set the default path for built libraries to the "lib" directory

#uncomment if you have defined messages
#uncomment if you have defined services

#common commands for building c++ executables and libraries
#rosbuild_add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} src/example.cpp)
#target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} another_library)
#rosbuild_link_boost(${PROJECT_NAME} thread)
#rosbuild_add_executable(example examples/example.cpp)
#target_link_libraries(example ${PROJECT_NAME})
rosbuild_add_executable(talker src/talker.cpp)
rosbuild_add_executable(listener src/listener.cpp)
rosbuild_add_executable(add_two_ints_server src/add_two_ints_server.cpp)
rosbuild_add_executable(add_two_ints_client src/add_two_ints_client.cpp)


  <description brief="beginner_tutorials">


  <review status="unreviewed" notes=""/>
  <depend package="std_msgs"/>
  <depend package="rospy"/>
  <depend package="roscpp"/>


Originally posted by fabiodl on ROS Answers with karma: 43 on 2012-08-27

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by Eric Perko on 2012-08-27:
Could you include the version of ROS you are using, your Ubuntu version, your manifest.xml file and your CMakeLists.txt ?

Comment by Lorenz on 2012-08-27:
Please also copy-paste the complete error output.


1 Answer 1


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It appears that this may actually be a bug, as I was able to reproduce it on my Fuerte/12.04 install as well.

It seems that while it is documented in the API, and there is a declaration in the header file, but it does not seem that the method is actually implemented anywhere. This explains why you would see a linker error.

I filed a ticket on code.ros.org so that this can get resolved.

Originally posted by mjcarroll with karma: 6414 on 2012-08-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by WilliamWoodall on 2012-08-28:
New location of the ticket and patch: https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/pull/1


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