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I'm using this idiom for checking that the node in my python script is working

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
   do some work

but when I kill the node with rosnode kill the while loop does not exit. I suppose rosnode kill triggers the flag associated with is_shutdown(), but maybe I'm wrong.

Could anyone please clarify me on the issue of finishing nodes and the processes that hold them properly? I've checked previous answers, but maybe I've missed a complete example with code on how to catch and handle the related signals.

Thank you very much in advance

Originally posted by chcorbato on ROS Answers with karma: 202 on 2012-07-05

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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That should work.

Node termination notification can be quite slow to arrive. Maybe you didn't wait long enough.

If you invoke a bunch of nodes using roslaunch, typing ^C in that terminal sends the interrupt signal to all of them fairly quickly.

Originally posted by joq with karma: 25443 on 2012-07-06

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by Lorenz on 2012-07-06:
roslaunch sends a sigint I think. rosnode kill uses an xmlrpc request. But anyway, I just did a test and can confirm that the above while loop is perfectly fine for both, C-c and the xmlrpc request.


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