In the MoveArmGoal message, the planning diff field allow for the specification of contacts. I tried adding a box to allow a gripper to hit an obstacle. However when I specify all the links of the PR2 gripper (there's several!) all the nodes that use the planning scene complain that:
Allowed collision specification has link_names size 5 while the only supported size is 2
If I use only two links (in this case "r_wrist_flex_link" and "r_wrist_roll_link"), IK returns with error -33 (I bet it's a collision check failing).
Are there examples on using allowed contact specifications in an arm navigation setting that I can have a look at? Is this feature being used?
Originally posted by Lorenzo Riano on ROS Answers with karma: 1342 on 2012-06-21
Post score: 1