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Hi again,

This question follows this one.

Now my node is compiling and executing, but it seems that the callback function is never called on the subscription to lasers. /scan is remapped to /base_scan (that send data, according to rostopic echo /base_scan ). As far as I understand, every time the node gets a message, it should trigger the callback and I should get a console output, a rxconsole output and the robot should move a little. I don't get what can fail in this case.

What's wrong with the code or what should be done to be sure that the node really gets the data ?

Sources :

  BrController::BrController(ros::NodeHandle &nh) : target_frame_("/base_controller/command")
/* Node handle that manage the node and provide publishing and subscribing function */
nh_ = nh;

/* Set up the publisher for the cmd_vel topic : we'll publish on this topic to drive the robot */
 cmd_vel_pub_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/base_controller/command", 1);

scan_filter_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("scan", 50, &BrController::msgCallback, this);

void BrController::msgCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan & msg)
    geometry_msgs::Twist base_cmd;

    std::cout << "Callback" << std::endl;

   base_cmd.angular.z = 50;

   std::cout << "published command : [" << base_cmd.linear.x << " " << base_cmd.linear.y << " " <<  base_cmd.linear.z << "][" << base_cmd.angular.x << " " << base_cmd.angular.y << " " << base_cmd.angular.z << "]"<< std::endl; 

bool BrController::driveBraitenberg()
  //we are sending commands of type "twist" to drive the robot
  geometry_msgs::Twist base_cmd;

     // Nothing is done as we want the robot to be driven from the laser input  

  return true;

Originally posted by Erwan R. on ROS Answers with karma: 697 on 2012-06-11

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by karthik on 2012-06-11:
derekjchow is right... ros::spinOnce() is required.


1 Answer 1


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I believe you need to call ros::spinOnce() in the while loop in driveBraitenberg

See this article for more information.

Originally posted by derekjchow with karma: 341 on 2012-06-11

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 5

Original comments

Comment by Erwan R. on 2012-06-11:
Okey, problem solved, I was thinking I did that in the main, but seems that not.


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