I have a device which is communicating using the TCP/IP protocol and I already have a QT application to control it via a PC. I am now looking to create a ROS driver to control the device.
I was wondering if there is an easy way to create a TCP socket using ROS to send custom TCP frames to a device. From what I have read, the TCPROS package is used to communicate between ROS nodes, not between a node and a device.
One option I am looking for is to use my application code (c++) which is built around the QT4 libs (QTcpSocket, QByteArray, etc.). I would then need to integrate this into ROS to make the node publish the device status and subscribe to receive commands for the device.
Is using the QT libs the easiest way to do this or is there a better, more standard way to build ROS drivers for TCP devices?
Originally posted by nlauzier on ROS Answers with karma: 37 on 2012-06-04
Post score: 1