Hi, all,
I want to use rosbridge, gscam to load the video from the Webcam through socket
on the browser, but no matter how I use the example from the brown-ros-pkg, I can't make it run. To make my question more clear, I put similar code from brown-ros-pkg first, and I will show what I have tried after the code:
The code is
String ip = "ws://Control:9090";
//Variable to save rgb image
PImage img;
int scrWidth;
int scrHeight;
int i;
boolean lock2;
boolean isRunning;
void setup()
img = createImage(640, 480, RGB);
scrWidth = img.width;
scrHeight = img.height;
size(scrWidth, scrHeight);
println("Hello after connect!\n");
isRunning = false;
lock2 = false;
void draw()
{image(img, 0, 0, scrWidth, scrHeight);
println(" draw inside ");}
void run()
//Subscribe GStreamer pipeline
println("Hello run!");
isRunning = true;
void stop()
println("Hello stop!");
isRunning = false;
void getCamStream(msg)
lock2 = true;
//msg.uri is a rgb data of streaming message
img = loadImage(msg.uri);
println("Hello getcamstream!\n");
lock2 = false;
To test this code, I use the brown-ros-pkg recommends website: ROSProcessingjs Test suite.
Before I test, I already got the newest rosbridge package, the driver for the GSCam (I can see the image from the camera by running the node:
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/gscam/image_raw)
My lab does not have irobot, I want do test whether the image could transit to browser or not, so I run roscore, rosbridge and gscam.
However, I could not load image to the default area, even the program could be initialized and subscribe the topic, and page ROSProcessingjs Test suite is always killed by itself, I also tried many ways:
(1) I doubt about the "frameRate() and loop()", because in processing.js official site, it tells me that loop() enables the draw() to work, but without any other functions, so even I delete the frameRate() or loop(), I only get lots of print "Hello getcamstream".
(2) I copy the subscribe() to draw(), it doesn't work
(3) by using rxgraph, I can see the "/gscam/image_raw" links "/rosbridge" well, but links "/image_view" with big red circle.
Can anyone give me little hint about where I was wrong?
Thanks a lot!
Originally posted by tairen on ROS Answers with karma: 56 on 2012-04-07
Post score: 2