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I finally got the code installed, and built some how,, I even got the PubSubTutorial to download to my Samsung S but code keeps crashing at new WebServer.

  public NodeServer(BindAddress bindAddress, AdvertiseAddress advertiseAddress) {
    InetSocketAddress address = bindAddress.toInetSocketAddress();
    server = new WebServer(address.getPort(), address.getAddress());
    this.advertiseAddress = advertiseAddress;
    this.advertiseAddress.setPortCallable(new Callable() {
      public Integer call() throws Exception {
        return server.getPort();
    startLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

Any ideas?

Do I need to have a ROScore running on the phone, cant I just run a node on the phone and the Core/Master on my PC?

Originally posted by Micke on ROS Answers with karma: 76 on 2011-07-19

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by damonkohler on 2011-07-21:
Could you provide some more information? A stack trace would be useful.


1 Answer 1


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Without posting more information this question cannot be answered, please follow the guidelines here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/Support.

Originally posted by mmwise with karma: 8372 on 2011-09-02

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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