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Hi, I added a new point type to maintain extra information with each point type. I can use the new point type with all the inline methods of existing templated classes of pcl(eg pcl::PCDWriter.write). But I cant use them with the methods of these templated classes which are defined outside header files in respective cpp files(eg pcl::ExtractFilter.applyFilter). The linker complains of undefined reference:

CMakeFiles/combineNearestCam.dir/src/NearestCamMerge.o:(.rodata._ZTVN3pcl14ExtractIndicesIN16scene_processing14PointXYGRGBCamEEE[vtable for pcl::ExtractIndices<scene_processing::PointXYGRGBCam>]+0x18): undefined reference to `pcl::ExtractIndices<scene_processing::PointXYGRGBCam>::applyFilter(pcl::PointCloud<scene_processing::PointXYGRGBCam>&)'

Is there a way to easily add explicit template instantiations of all classes of pcl for the newly defined point type?

code for new point type:

namespace scene_processing
    struct PointXYGRGBCam
       float x;
       float y;
       float z;
       float rgb;
       uint32_t cameraIndex;

      (float, x, x)
      (float, y, y)
      (float, z, z)
      (float, rgb, rgb)
      (uint32_t, cameraIndex, cameraIndex)

Regards Abhishek

Originally posted by aa755 on ROS Answers with karma: 61 on 2011-03-16

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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This problem was solved when I dectared the new point type in point_types.hpp and point_types.h exactly following the convention of the pre-existing types. In addition to this,in point_types.hpp, I had to add this new type to PCL_POINT_TYPES to make it work with kdtree and to PCL_XYZ_POINT_TYPES to make it work with ExtractIndices filter


// Define all point types that include XYZ data #define PCL_XYZ_POINT_TYPES

Originally posted by aa755 with karma: 61 on 2011-03-17

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by aa755 on 2011-11-06:
this is not a good solution because it changes code of core ros libraries ... which would be overwritten on update ... also, distributing code will be difficult. A better solution is to create these point types in your own code and include the .hpp files for the modules you need


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