I am implementing a feature that exports robot models to Gazebo. One of the the features that you the CAD software I am using has is the ability to designate spring joints that will have a force applied to them as soon as the simulation starts. I have found several ways to apply forces including via ROS, URDF, and plugins. However, ROS would require running a separate program or script and using plugins would require me to effectively have the program generate and compile cc++ code, which would not be an easy feat. As such, I am wondering what would be the best way to apply a force on the joint at the start of the simulation?
Is there a way I can parametrize plugins from gazebo? For instance, compile a generic plugin file and then have commandline arguments to specify which joints receive how much force? Or would I have to go and using scripting and other features to both write and compile plugins for any model that uses this feature?
Originally posted by Skylion on Gazebo Answers with karma: 5 on 2015-07-01
Post score: 0