
The new carrier boards for Pixhawk Cube seems to be using a 1090MHz ADS-B receiver from uAvionix. This receives location information from nearby aircraft (airplanes, gliders, helicopters, etc.), but will it also broadcast information to nearby vehicles as well or is it just a receiver?

I'm asking since there seems to be an ADS-B which sends and receives such information and is mandatory for aircrafts/quadcopters/helicopters/etc at specific airspace classes and not else where. It also seems there exists ADS-B out and ADS-B In, which I have no idea about their differences.

which of these two sensor is this one? is it only a receiver, or is it a full fledged ADS-B sensor?

  • $\begingroup$ read the manufacturer's datasheet for the device $\endgroup$
    – jsotola
    Commented Jan 23, 2022 at 22:49

1 Answer 1


It's a ADSB-In receiver. One can add a uAvionix ping200X, ping200XR, ping200SR, or ping20Si and all are transponders that respond to interrogation and also transmit ADSB Out. https://uavionix.com/uas/


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