
I would like to use the same callback for subscriptions to different topics with different types. I have searched on the internet and could not a wokring approach. My idea was to templetize the callback. Something going like this:

template <typename T>
void update_vehicle_callback(const std::shared_ptr<T> msg, const std::string &topic)

This callback would be associated by different subscribers of different topics and different types.

For the sake of clarity let me do an example:

I have topic "cmd_vel" of type Twist and topic "pose" of type PoseStamped. I want to bind to both subscriber the same update_vehicle_callback without defining 2 different callbacks that calls the same method:

void cmd_vel_cb(msg){
void pose_cb(msg){

This is because in reality I have a lot of different topics.

Is there a way to achieve this?


1 Answer 1


For those passing by for a solution here it is: Define a template callback:

template <typename T>
    void update_info(const std::shared_ptr<T> msg);

And each subscriber in the following way:

    odom_subscriber = this->create_subscription<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>("odom", qos_besteffort_keep_1_volatile, std::bind(&ClassName::update_info<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>, this, std::placeholders::_1));

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