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I'm developing a robotic hand, and decided to place motors inside joints (as in picture) and I'm stuck with finding a stepper motor that can fit there. Approximate size of motor body is radius - 10mm, length - 10 mm.

Any suggestions?


enter image description hereDiagram of hand joint with stepper motor

I'm developing robotic hand, and decided to place motors inside joints (as in picture) and stuck with finding stepper motor that can fit there. Approximate size of motor body is radius - 10mm, length - 10 mm.

Any suggestions?


enter image description here

I'm developing a robotic hand, and decided to place motors inside joints (as in picture) and I'm stuck with finding a stepper motor that can fit there. Approximate size of motor body is radius - 10mm, length - 10 mm.

Any suggestions?

Diagram of hand joint with stepper motor

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  • 13
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Choosing stepper motor for hand

I'm developing robotic hand, and decided to place motors inside joints (as in picture) and stuck with finding stepper motor that can fit there. Approximate size of motor body is radius - 10mm, length - 10 mm.

Any suggestions?


enter image description here