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<!-- This URDF was automatically created by SolidWorks to URDF Exporter! Originally created by Stephen Brawner ([email protected]) 
     Commit Version: 1.5.1-0-g916b5db  Build Version: 1.5.7152.31018
     For more information, please see -->
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<!-- This URDF was automatically created by SolidWorks to URDF Exporter! Originally created by Stephen Brawner ([email protected]) 
     Commit Version: 1.5.1-0-g916b5db  Build Version: 1.5.7152.31018
     For more information, please see -->
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Source Link

OMPL encountered an error: The longest valid segment for state space arm_JointModel must be positive

This error comes after launch moveit package demo.launch

[ WARN] [1686385140.855607848]: Fail: ABORTED: FAILURE
[ INFO] [1686385141.033518544]: Planning request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning pipeline.

[ INFO] [1686385141.033795810]: Using planning pipeline 'ompl'
[ WARN] [1686385141.042220232]: Goal sampling thread never did any work. Space information not set up.
[ INFO] [1686385141.044761846]: Planner configuration 'arm[RRT]' will use planner 'geometric::RRT'. Additional configuration parameters will be set when the planner is constructed.
[ERROR] [1686385141.044913244]: OMPL encountered an error: The longest valid segment for state space arm_JointModel must be positive.
Space settings:
ModelBasedStateSpace 'arm_JointModel' at 0x7f75700037e0

please help me to solve a error ask for required file in comment.