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I am a beginner at ROS, what I post here are just ideas, a bit too long text for Stack Exchange, but I see that this question is not yet solved after a long time - the accepted answer does not solve the issue in my case - which makes it possible to stand a bit against the rules, rather documenting ideas than answering clearly.

I have invested hours, no success. I could not get it to run.

I can have (and can have any time again) a running system when I just strictly follow a clear list of commands. Yet, when I installed everything again on another computer and "played around" a bit, probably introduced different Python versions, apt-get versus pip installers, different pip versions and different virtual environments and other small differences from the guide, I could not get it to run. Most promising research is

ROS now supports pip3 so why installing another pip at all, that might be dangerous. Take pip3 as the pip, using pip3 install --upgrade pip.

Or there is a completely unexpected thing like this comment of a developer at in 2015:

The issue you're running into is that the Python that is turned on by default is a non-system Python 2.6 install which is unaffected by installing Python packages with apt-get. By using the minimal image you avoid having to deal with custom versions of Python.

The 2.6 has now become 3.6, if you install with apt-get, 3.6 will likely be installed.

apt-get does not at all care about any python version. That would mean that we should install as much as possible with apt-get to avoid any Python version conflicts.

Quoting something else from

You'll either have to install catkin_pkg (and a few others) for the Python 3 interpreter (using the pip3 command shown by @...), or make sure Catkin uses the Python 2 interpreter.

My recommendation would be the latter, as the rest of Melodic will also have been built against Python 2. Not Python 3.

The next release of ROS 1 (Noetic) will support Python 3.

This was in 2019. In 2020, Python 3 is now supported by ROS. The idea comes up that the error is thrown when you use a python2 pip to install and then switch to python3 packages.

Just guessing from (and with further ideas):