I'm a beginner with Gazebo and just installed Gazebo Garden (v7.5.0) on my Ubuntu 22.04 laptop. I can open a new world, add some shapes/entities to it and save the world to myworld.sdf
. Once I saved it I play the simulation after which I hit Reset simulation. It resets, but it only resets to how the world looked when I opened the file, instead of going back to how the world looked when I saved it last. I have to close Gazebo and then manually open the file from the command line using gz sim myworld.sdf
to be able to get back to the point where I saved the world. Am I missing something? As an example I put a video on youtube in which I try to to a save/simulate/reseta video on youtube in which I try to to a save/simulate/reset. Maybe that helps in understanding what I mean.
How can I save a world and go back to the saved state when I hit reset simulation? All tips are welcome!