I am using a 6 DOF UR5 robotic arm. I am successfully sending it commands in the [X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ] format. When I read back these coordinates, I find that the X, Y, Z values are the same but the RX, RY, and RZ values are not. When I type the read values into my pendant, the preview shows that the orientation actually is what I want but I can not figure out how these RX, RY, RZ values can possibly be equivalent to each other. How can [X, Y, Z, -2.871, 0.539, -0.714] be equivalent to [X, Y, Z, 3.128, -0.587, 0.778]?
This picture from the pendant shows the rotated axes are the same: (https://i.sstatic.net/ANAES.jpgoriginal image)