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Rocketmagnet's user avatar
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
23 votes

Preventing leaks in motor shafts for underwater bots

14 votes

What useful gaits exist for a six legged robot, and what are their pros and cons?

14 votes

Which type of actuator will be suitable for a very strong robot arm?

13 votes

How can the inverse kinematics problem be solved?

13 votes

How can I modify a low cost hobby servo to run 'freely'?

13 votes

Why are capacitors added to motors (in parallel); what is their purpose?

12 votes

How to choose the right propeller/motor combination for a quadcopter?

9 votes

How mature is real-time programming in robotics?

8 votes

What is the best way to power a large number (27) servos at 5 V?

8 votes

Are there surface texture sensors for integration in circuits?

7 votes

I'd like to use gesture based input for my robot. What are the pros and cons between the Xtion Live and the Kinect?

7 votes

How to open a sliding window?

7 votes

Creating a fast, uniform, linear actuator

7 votes

Adding external heat sinking to a Dynamixel RX-24F servo?

6 votes

Quadcopter Localization Beacon

6 votes

High voltage motor control with arduino

6 votes

Which micro-controler/processor to be used for autonomous stereo vision robot system?

5 votes

DC motor control - speed-torque curve

5 votes

Is there a rule of thumb for actuator torque overhead?

5 votes

Inverse Kinematics of Parallel Manipulator (Delta Robot)

5 votes

Do I really need a gyro for an airplane flight stabilization system?

5 votes

What is a good approach to a Quadruped Gait?

5 votes

Good book on mechanisms

5 votes

Inter-processor communication for robotic arm

5 votes

What determines the amount of noise an actuator produces?

4 votes

Mechanical design for motorized spherical caster wheels

4 votes

What tyre tread would be best suited to an off road robot expected to deal with frequently muddy conditions?

4 votes

Selecting an accelerometer for Deduced Reckoning

4 votes

Quadcopter forward speed

3 votes

Accelerometer, gyro, and magnetometer sensor fusion in 2d