Diego C Nascimento's user avatar
Diego C Nascimento's user avatar
Diego C Nascimento's user avatar
Diego C Nascimento
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
12 votes

What are the different types of electric motors?

7 votes

Robotic part to dispense candy

4 votes

Actuator to control steam valve

4 votes

Unwanted Arduino reconnect: Servo + Arduino + Python (Raspberry Pi)

3 votes

Robots without microcontrolers (beam robots). Are they technologically limited?

3 votes

Which type of actuator will be suitable for a very strong robot arm?

3 votes

Will wiring a unipolar stepper to a bipolar stepper driver decrease the holding torque?

3 votes

2DOF arm with quick movement: Stepper, servo, or DC motor?

2 votes

GPS Amplifier - Is this reliable?

2 votes

Flipping an old manual switch (physical one)

1 vote

Workable low-resolution object/target recognition pattern and library?

1 vote

2D path following robot, converting XY axis path to input on wheels

1 vote

System for determining occupied seats in an auditorium

1 vote

What should I study if I want to get into robotics?

0 votes

LIDAR solutions

0 votes

Can I simulate/test the model of a robot I am designing to be 3d printed?