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Jakob's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
22 votes

Why do quadcopters use brushless motors?

17 votes

Difference between Rao-Blackwellized particle filters and regular ones

14 votes

How to select cameras for a stereo vision system?

13 votes

Particle filters: How to do resampling?

11 votes

Why do Mars rovers designers prefer wheels over tracks?

11 votes

Absolute positioning without GPS

11 votes

How do space rovers survive at very low temperatures?

9 votes

Learning Algorithms for Walking Quadruped

8 votes

How to model the noise in a range sensor's return?

8 votes

How does a six-axis force/torque sensor work?

6 votes

How to choose a good IMU for a wheeled robot?

6 votes

How can I best protect sensitive components against damage through vibration?

6 votes

Protecting electronics against voltage/current extremes and bad polarity

6 votes

Are propellers dangerous?

5 votes

Do I really need a gyro for an airplane flight stabilization system?

4 votes

Sensors for differential drive

4 votes

The relationship between point cloud maps and graph maps

4 votes

Resampling attitude states (quaternions, rotation matrix) in a Particle Filter

4 votes

covariance matrix in EKF?

4 votes

Mathematical prerequisites for beginning graduate student in robotics

4 votes

Visual Odometry options?

4 votes

Is there any advantage to velocity motion models over odometry motion models for SLAM?

4 votes

Why models are not perfect to represent robotic environments?

4 votes

How to localise a underwater robot?

4 votes

Line following robot path planning

3 votes

Comprehensive comparison of SLAM algorithms

3 votes

Difference between SLAM and "3D reconstruction"?

3 votes

What's the most accurate way to obtain a locational fix using GPS?

3 votes

Connecting two microcontrollers using I2C

2 votes

Is it possible to both move and stabilize a two wheeled robot with no gyroscopes?