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13 votes

what is the algorithm to get position (Linear displacement and linear velocity ) using IMU (Like MPU6050)?

I thought for sure that there would have been a duplicate question somewhere on the site that answers this question, but I can't find one, so here's a quick description of the method. Put your IMU ...
Chuck's user avatar
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6 votes

How to measure pull force on a (kite) rope?

The component you highlighted is called a tensile load cell. You could buy one from a supplier, but it probably would be cheaper to buy a cheap digital hanging scale and taking the sensor out of it - ...
Pete Kirkham's user avatar
5 votes

Will this pseudocode work as a basis for a flight controller?

The signals to the ESC's using PWM should be sent after the PID algo is done processing the errors. The output calculated from the PID is the PWM value to be sent to the ESC's to actuate the motors in ...
user123456098's user avatar
3 votes

Is MoveIt! suitable for fixed-wing aircraft path planning and obstacle avoidance?

Not really MoveIt! is designed for robotic arms, and is being heavily adapted for the applications you see here, fixed wing aircraft typically use very diffrent types of motion planning becouse of the ...
Mark Omo's user avatar
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3 votes

Generate a coverage path given a polygon region

This thing is generally called coverage path planning. If you are particularly interested in Boustrophedon Cell Decomposition, you may have a look at the paper introducing it: Choset and Pignon (1998)...
Petch Puttichai's user avatar
2 votes

Generation of a trajectory (position,velocity,acceleration) from velocity

With the method you describe you are bound to have non zero velocity or non acceleration (based on if you consider a + pi/2 offset or not). Despite @combo answer I would suggest you a second order ...
N. Staub's user avatar
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2 votes

Are all drone propellers compatible with all brushless motors?

Not at all. It is about efficiency, agility, and maneuverability of your drone. Just like wheels on a car, the size of the propeller needs to be matched to the rest of the power system. For ...
hosh0425's user avatar
2 votes

How is the IMU used in the PixHawk?

Take a read here and here. The Flight Management Unit (FMU) board and the IO board combined make a Pixhawk autopilot. The FMU is contains the control logic and the sensors while the IO takes care of ...
George ZP's user avatar
  • 550
2 votes

Battery weight in quadcopter

Every quadcopter design is relatively unique and there's not one answer for any given system. Many factors can change these numbers, for example the type of blade, the material the angle of attack, ...
Tully's user avatar
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1 vote

Why 3DR Power Module has two 5v and GND output

Dual power and ground pins are on the power module so that two other modules could be powered without having to split the power cables. Also, if the attached module draws significant current from ...
jsotola's user avatar
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Autonomous quadcopter: How to transform setpoint into motor inputs?

Here here are a couple of papers that solve the problem you are interested in. Nonlinear Robust Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV on SE(3) by Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok and N. Harris McClamroch ...
holmeski's user avatar
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1 vote

/cmdVel topic: cmdVel(roll, pitch, yawrate, thrust) for crazyflie

So I'm the creator of this package crazyflie_ros2_experimental so I'll try to help out. It is an experimental github ROS package that is no longer maintained (), but I'll try to help out if you want ...
Kimberly McGuire's user avatar
1 vote

Why are Euler angles used for drones

You can read about how a MEMS gyroscope works here, but the key concept I'd like to point out is that a gyroscope measures angular rate. It's not measuring an angle and dividing that by some sample ...
Chuck's user avatar
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1 vote

Air Resistance Drag Force Calculation For Quadcopter

A linear function of velocity is one of the simplest ways to model the drag force. Finding good values for the three coefficients is usually determined by collecting data from a quadrotor, and picking ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 449
1 vote

Mapping Joystick Inputs to Quadcopter

Let me preface this by saying I've never done quadcopter controls before. With a vehicle, the gas pedal doesn't control speed or position, it controls torque. For a quadcopter, the equivalent would be ...
Chuck's user avatar
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1 vote

Communication method between drone swarm members

It is widely known that in many (most) living societies (human, animal, marine...), individuals prefer to be parts of teams, which inherently have leaders. In the case of your project, the situation ...
virolino's user avatar
  • 301
1 vote

Universities offering courses about Drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [UAVs])

You should probably check out the universities below. I have read about some great research work done in the field of Aerial Robotics in these universities. They might not have a separate program as ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
1 vote

ROS sensor implementation

This isn't a problem with sensor packages specifically, the error message says that a package by that name wasn't found, which is more of an issue with the package manager. You can use the following ...
xperroni's user avatar
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1 vote

Tuning a cascaded attitude and attitude rate PID controller

You can operate the quadcopter with a poorly tuned attitude rate PID, log relevant quantities, build a model from the data, and finally use the model to tune the PID iteratively. Suppose that such an ...
Ugo Pattacini's user avatar
1 vote

Drone or UAV Platform for deployment of Deep Learning / Reinforcement Learning

there seems to be no mature drone platform focused on the NN research personally I suggest using a drone combines a NUC, TX2 for example the drone works as a flying platform providing control APIs, ...
lanyusea's user avatar
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1 vote

what is the algorithm to get position (Linear displacement and linear velocity ) using IMU (Like MPU6050)?

I can't comment in this forum yet, so I have to post an answer, but I am looking at the same problem. The MPU9250 DMP output includes a quaternion and a fused quaternion. I can't find an exact ...
C. Eliot's user avatar
1 vote

How to implement a novel control algorithm for a drone

Assuming you know how to model a regular quadrotor as $\dot{x} = Ax + Bu$, the only difference with the addition of the extra propeller will be in your control matrix and control vector (one more ...
pterodon's user avatar
1 vote

How many independent control inputs does a hexarotor have?

When assuming that the axles of all the rotors are oriented parallel to each other then the thrust will also only be along the same direction as these axles, so this only adds one degree of freedom. ...
fibonatic's user avatar
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How to convert raw Pitot tube readings to air speed in m/s?

In a classic pitot tube setup, we make use of a liquid (density $\rho$)in a U tube. One end of the U tube is connected to the dynamic pressure source (front of the pitot) and the other end is ...
vu2aeo's user avatar
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1 vote

How to measure pull force on a (kite) rope?

That is a load cell, comprised of four strain gages in a Wheatstone bridge, probably mounted in sheer mode to cancel out bending forces.
Ĝan Ŭesli Starling's user avatar
1 vote

Possible stabilize Crazyflie 2.0 drone autonomous flight without additional sensors?

You will not be able to achieve stable horizontal flight without external sensors. The reason is that the Crazyflie 2.0 quadcopter does not have sensors to know where it is in the room, it only has ...
Arnaud Taffanel's user avatar
1 vote

Possible stabilize Crazyflie 2.0 drone autonomous flight without additional sensors?

tl;dr - You can't control the aircraft's side-to-side motion because you are only modifying "thrust", which controls the up-and-down motion. If you want to control roll and pitch (side-to-side motion),...
Chuck's user avatar
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1 vote

Utilizing the inertial sensors in an AR Drone

That's because your fixed frame is set to /odom (Essentially, you're setting your global frame to your local frame, so relative to the vehicle itself, the vehicle never moves!). The solution would be ...
HighVoltage's user avatar
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CC3D PWM control signal characteristic (to be simulated by Raspberry PI)

Ok I actually was able to make it work. First of all in the beginning of the testing I used my own program which generated PWM signals. I wanted to make them 50Hz with 1.5ms of duty cycle being ...
MrOneTwo's user avatar
1 vote

Compatibilty of my setup?

The website that you have used seems to be down, however looking at the specs announced on banggood, it looks compatible. You would need some 8*4 props and a 3S battery, I'd advise getting a 3000mAh ...
R3D34THR4Y's user avatar

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